Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Introductions are always necessary when meeting new people or even a new audience. Hello, and welcome to my blog! I am a proud single mommy to a beautiful baby girl. She is my first which makes me a first time mommy. I was born and raised in sunny South Florida and have recently moved to horse country to carry out my dreams of being a horse owner. I am the proud owner of two stunning horses! I am living the dream. I thought it would be fun to start up a blog that incorporates a little bit of all of this. This blog will have a lot of different elements such as mommy/baby stories, baking recipes, and can’t forget the horses! I will also have links for all the products that I use for easy access for you as my followers – just in case you want to try your hand at anything! I look forward to where this blog is going to take me and I can’t wait to hear from you all. So, without further ado, welcome to “Becoming Mommy!”
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Sleepless Nights

Happy Sunday Everybody!

It has been such a relaxing day which I feel like I haven’t had in such a long time. It was nice to wake up, go to church, come home, eat some lunch and take a much needed nap while baby was napping. A rambunctious peanut with her own agenda is now tearing apart my laundry basket as I try to get in a quick blog post. Non-the-less, it has still been a fantastic Sunday.


I wrote this snip it last night at THREE IN THE MORNING last night. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Good grief lady, what were you doing up at three in the morning writing? Well, I would like to say dedication to the blog, but sadly it was because I was woken up by some not so pleasant dreams and then I could not fall back asleep for the life of me. I stayed up till 5:30… I know crazy. All this to say, during that time of sleeplessness, the Lord was pouring some major wisdom into me.Read More »

Back into the Swing of Things…

Hello! Yes, it is really me. I know, it has been far too long since I have posted. I am pretty sure the last time I posted my daughter was only a few wee months old. Now, she is a whole digit old. Yup, she is one… and some change, but whose counting right? I am trying to keep her as young as I possibly can for as long as I possibly can.

So, you are probably wondering what in the world made me come back on to post. Encouragement and motivation for what I feel is going to be an amazing season in both my life and my daughter’s life. I also just bought a desk and some new office supplies. I now have a space that I can actually sit down, think and write. It is absolutely fantastic. I have a slider in my room with a view of my horses (yes, I sure do still have my furry children) so it is extra peaceful and relaxing while I am writing. That is when my daughter isn’t trying to tear up our room. She is quite the busy bee now that she is able to walk and form her own language. For instance, right now, I am trying to write this post and she is ALL over the place playing and dancing to the Disney soundtracks that I have playing for her. She is an absolute joy to mother though.

Anyways, this is just a post to say, “HEY! I’m back!” I am super excited to get back into the swing of things. It has really been too long, but I am going to try and post as often as I can. I look forward to this new season! It is going to be a beautiful season of growth, perseverance, and new found strength. Life is about to get that much sweeter.

Until Next Time! (Which is sooner than you think!)

Becoming Mommy

Ask Mommy (Q&A)

Helllooo everyone!

So this morning, I wanted to do something a little different.

Welcome to “Ask Mommy.” (Yes, that is my prego belly in the photo, haha) This is where you can send in some questions that you’d like answered. It could be anything. It could be mommy questions, personal question, etc. and I will answer them on some of my next blog posts. Also! If you have any requests for upcoming posts please send those my way as well. If you want to see more recipes or crafts, whatever it is you want to see here, this is the time to send in your requests. This is just a way for me to get to know my blogging community better and for you all to get to know me better!

I’m super excited about this, so please send as much as you would like. I look forward to hearing from you all. Thank you for your support in this!

Until Next Time!

Becoming Mommy

Soul Searching

This morning I was able to capture some gorgeous pictures of my horse. My horse and I have a very special bond. It has become that much stronger since I have moved back home. It's almost as if he understands what I went through and now he is my comforting friend.

His name is "Gabriel." I named him this because despite the injuries he had in his legs, he never let that stop him from living life to the fullest. He is strong. Gabriel in the Bible means "God is my strength." He fits his name perfectly. I am thankful for the bond we have. He is a beautiful spirit that I am honored to know and own.

Gabriel is my seventeen hand warm blood. He is my gentle giant who is always ready to give hugs and kisses.

Until Next Time!

Becoming Mommy

To Eat or Not To Eat…

Oh boy… it has been quite the week at my home. As most of you know, I breastfeed my daughter. It has been one of the best decisions I've made for her. When she was first born she only weighed six pounds barely. Now, she weighs over twelve pounds in the short time of three months. She has packed on the milk and the weight! She's my little potato now, haha! Read More »

Beaching Baby

Summer is ending and we are quickly moving into fall. Yay! I love the fall weather and the cooler weather. Working outside with the horses becomes that much more enjoyable! But before we do that, what better to end the summer than with a beach road trip! That’s right! Mama and baby are headed to the beach for a weekend with my cousin/baby’s auntie. We leave in a week and I could not be more excited! I love the beach and have missed it so much!

When the opportunity came to take a trip to the beach with my cousin, I had no hesitation in saying YES! This will be my first big trip by myself with my daughter. I am now realizing how much I love and appreciate my family and all the help they provide. Does anyone know how hard it is to plan a road trip with an infant? It’s nearly impossible! Right now, I am purposely planning EVERYTHING! Most important on the list of planning is planning on leaving during her nap time. Luckily enough we are only driving about two hours so it shouldn’t be a problem. Next is planning all her feedings and naps in between going to the beach and other fun activities we have planned. So far, so good. I’m getting this whole mommy thing down one day at a time, haha.

For you mommies who want to take your little ones to the beach, let me tell you what I found that makes going so much easier and comfortable for you baby. One of my mommy friends told me about this and I instantly bought this for my daughter. It’s an Infant Beach Tent. It’s a little tent designed to keep your baby cool and comfortable during your beach trip. Why wouldn’t you invest in one of these? I’m super excited to use mine. I even bought a little portable fan to put in her tent. She is going to have the perfect first beach experience!

Image result for baby on beach

I’m trying to make sure I pack everything for this trip. If any of you mommies out there have any tips or suggestions on making road trips easier, please let me know! I am so open to suggestions!

I can hardly wait for next weekend. I just want it to be here already! Stay tuned for pictures of the beach trip. There will be plenty!

Until Next Time!

Becoming Mommy


Beautiful Morning

Has anyone stepped outside today? It is absolutely gorgeous. The sky is so blue with big white fluffy clouds floating overhead. The birds are chirping and the horses are grazing. It was pretty much a perfect morning. While my daughter was napping with my mama watching here, I went to my neighbors house to take care of her horses and was just in awe of the beauty that surrounded me. Here are a couple pictures of my morning.Read More »

Pregnancy Must Haves

Being a first time mom comes with a lot of, well, firsts. First time buying maternity clothes, first time decorating a nursery, and of course, first time navigating through pregnancy. There are a lot of things that I never thought I would need while being pregnant. I am here today to list some of my favorite things during my pregnancy.Read More »

Guard Your Heart

I haven’t really touched on being a single mom much in my posts. Today, I am going to be a bit more vulnerable.

I never imagined myself ever being a single mom. I believed I would always find the perfect man, marry him, enjoy the first two or three years of marriage together and then expand our family. It would be a beautiful life full of joy and laughter. Well, that’s not exactly how it happened. I’m not going to go into details, but it was an unhealthy relationship that needed to end way before a child was ever brought in to the world.Read More »